- 일 시 : 2005. 10.14 09:00-12:00
- 장 소 : 부산상의 2층 중회의실
- 담 당 : ACC,APEC 준비단 심상걸(990-7066)
□뉴질랜드(웰링턴 상의)
Looking for 골프채 대리점, 투자자
거래설립희망(연료전지 관련, business incubators)
□홍 콩(한인상의) : 무역희망
홍삼, 금속제품
□페루(리마상의) : 수입, 거래제휴 희망
품목 : Scientific instruments and consumables, laboratory equipment for applications in bioscience,
environment, agriculture, human plant and animal health, analitical chemistry
(eg. Microscopes, sterilizers, automation, clinical and chemical reagents, laboratory glassware)
□미국(LA상의) : 거래제휴 희망
Consulting, Lobbying and Networking
□말레이시아(셀랑고르 상의) : 거래제휴 희망
Construction, building & civil Engineering contractor